These garments are available in several fabrics, styles and lengths. When a Jacket is specified length is around the hip area. When a Coat is specified length is around the knee area.
- OFX-100 - Lightweight fabric, 2.3 oz /sq. yard, breathable, groundable and easily laundered. Made of 87% Polyester and 13% Carbon.
- IVX-400 - Similar properties as OFX-100 but slightly heavier , 4 oz/sq. yard and offers a more durable weave. 93% Polyester, 7% Carbon.
- ECX-500 (EconoshieldT) - This is a medium weight fabric 3 oz/sq. yard. Made of 98% Polyester, 2% Carbon.
- NYLOSTAT - This is a very durable woven fabric works well for protecting personal clothing from heavy solder and soil. This is a heavier weave and can be warm in workplaces without air conditioning. Made of 65% Polyester, 1% Carbon and 34% Cotton.