SCS Dri-Shield 3000 - Moisture Barrier Bags for J-STD-033 MVTR
Designed to meet the requirements of IPC/JEDEC
J-STD-033 for the dry packaging of electronic devices. Dri-Shield 3000 bags are made from dissipative nylon, foil, and dissipative polyethylene. These bags protect SMDs from moisture and static damage. Flexible structure is easy to vacuum seal. Lot coded for traceability.
Dry packaging of devices in compliance with IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033
SCS Moisture Barrier Bags
SCS is one of the leading manufacturers of moisture bags. Bags are marked with Moisture and ESD caution information, RoHS compliant symbols, and are lot coded for traceability. Moisture barrier bags are designed to protect electronic items from moisture, electrostatic, physical and environmental damage during manufacture, transportation and storage. As required in ANSI/ESD S541 and as part of ANSI/ESD S20.20 ESD control program.
IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033 for Devices
Surface Mount Devices are attached to PCB’s during reflow soldering. Reflow soldering heats the circuit board, device leads and the device case. Moisture trapped inside the device can expand at a rate faster than the case, causing the case to rupture. To prevent this
damage, the IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033 standard sets requirements for foil barrier bags, desiccant, humidity indicator cards, labeling and bag sealing.
All 3000 Series Moisture Barrier Bags are 6 Mil's Thick.